Just got my first ROV!


New member
Hello Everyone!

Did some research. Pulled the trigger. Got my QYSEA FIFISH V6 today. Updated the firmware and tested it in the pool. Everything work except for the tether spool reel which did not come properly winded and it is jammed after 5 meters. I am going to use a screwdriver to disassemble the reel and rewind it properly. Other than that things seem well.

I am aware that the V6S is coming out soon. I just want to add a grabbing arm to the V6 so I can pick up garbage from the ocean and retrieve lost sun glasses, torches and stuff while I was boating.

Let’s see how it goes! Cheers!

Sharp photo Seabot, you and DarknessFalls are making me jealous :D. I recently just dished out $2k for a new Hobie Mirage Passport, I hope I can get something soon, regret a selling my Geneinno T1 a little, but I need a kayak to cover more ground fishing and get to deeper parts of the lake with my new ROV, whichever one I plan to purchase.

Yeah the tether spool reel can be a bit of a pain, Chasing has a new automated reel that's coming out for the M2, maybe that will help influence the other ROV companies to go down the same route.

An arm would be a lot of fun to use, I think there's going to be numerous uses with it, going to bring a whole new world and adventure to this hobby. Sadly I didn't get to try out the arm on the T1, I'm sure eventually they'll all be equipped with one.

Congrats on the new ROV!
Don’t get too jealous. My V6 has been out for delivery from Fedex for 5 days now. I’m starting to think if it does arrive, it’ll be destroyed from being in transit for so long.
Thanks for the replies! I ended up fixing the tether reel by pulling it all out and rewinded it with the help of my friend pulling on another end to prevent flexes which would jam it. I took it out for a sea trial and went down to 5 meters. The water was too murky so I had to get really close up to see anything. Not fun. Will take it out this weekend for better water quality.

@DarknessFalls, The QYSEA V6 is quite sturdy and comes well packed so I doubt if it gets destroyed too easily. May be the delay is due to the coronavirus thing. Check up with the delivery company!

I will post more stuff soon. Cheers Guys!
Thanks for the replies! I ended up fixing the tether reel by pulling it all out and rewinded it with the help of my friend pulling on another end to prevent flexes which would jam it. I took it out for a sea trial and went down to 5 meters. The water was too murky so I had to get really close up to see anything. Not fun. Will take it out this weekend for better water quality.

@DarknessFalls, The QYSEA V6 is quite sturdy and comes well packed so I doubt if it gets destroyed too easily. May be the delay is due to the coronavirus thing. Check up with the delivery company!

I will post more stuff soon. Cheers Guys!

It finally made it here. It was very well packed and had no damage. Somehow they managed to split the bottom of the box open though. I just got an email saying they’re shipping me another spool for free. Apparently there is a design flaw in the one I have but I can’t find anything wrong with it yet.