V6S - No connection after failed firmware update?


New member
I tried to update the firmware of my V6S to the latest version using the latest FiFish-app on Android (v4.8.5C195), and the first update went well (WiFi-update). The second update started and the progress bar filled up to around 50%, but then I got a message that the update failed ("Firmware error").
After this I can't get a connection to the ROV. The controller boots up fine and I can connect to it via the app, but I can't get a connection to the V6 as the lights on the controller keeps blinking in a circle when I connect the tether? Strangely enough I'm still able to download photos and videos from the ROV?

Is there any way to reset the ROV?


New member
It is probably bricked and has to be sent back for re-programming...sucks...My arm is not working...suspect plug...not sure I trust the reliability of this drone.


New member
Probablemente se arruga y tiene que ser devuelto para la re-programación...apesta... Mi brazo no está funcionando... enchufe de sospechoso... no estoy seguro de que confiar en la fiabilidad de este dron.
Aver si apoyo@qysea.com me contesta.. a los email pero me an dicho que la solucion es te mandan un archivo el cual vía WiFi metido en la página de el router cargas los archivos y lo actualizas uno a el mando y otro a drone y es como un archivo de vuelta a el principio... te quita el bloqueo ..pero aver si consigo obtenerlo


New member
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