Underwater Drone Catalog of Fifish V6 Plus & Fifish W6

Eternal Angler

Not a whole lot of news for me to post lately, other than maybe some new youtube video footage from drones, I'll get some up soon, but recently QYSEA had posted their catalog of their new Fifish V6 Plus and Fifish W6. Looks very sharp, it seems as though their gearing up for the commercial sector with their Fifish W6. The W6 is featured as industrial grade and very resilient. If you have seen my recent post, it looks as if the propellers on the W6 are metal of some sort. I wonder what the Fifish W6 will sell for, if it's around $2k - $3k, I might consider it, but anything more, way out of my price range. I have a feeling it might retail for $5k or more...

Not a whole lot of news for me to post lately, other than maybe some new youtube video footage from drones, I'll get some up soon, but recently QYSEA had posted their catalog of their new Fifish V6 Plus and Fifish W6. Looks very sharp, it seems as though their gearing up for the commercial sector with their Fifish W6. The W6 is featured as industrial grade and very resilient. If you have seen my recent post, it looks as if the propellers on the W6 are metal of some sort. I wonder what the Fifish W6 will sell for, if it's around $2k - $3k, I might consider it, but anything more, way out of my price range. I have a feeling it might retail for $5k or more...

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well, the new W6 will be price $20k plus - as far as my informations are correct.. and the V6 plus must be over $7k.
I think those estimates are pretty high, are you talking USD? The V6 Plus just has a few upgrades and improvements like a better battery for longer run time and a robotic arm, if it lists for $7k, no one's going to buy it. Remember these are considered consumer drones, the Fifish V6 is currently being sold for $1,599 on QYSEA's website.

But I could see the W6 coming with a hefty price, possibly $3k-4k, since it's almost semi-commercial.

Chasing M2 is currently being listed on Blue Skies Drone Shop for $2,499. QYSEA must not go over that with the V6 Plus, needs to be similar priced or they'll lose customers. The M2 is going to have replaceable batteries and removable sd card, far as I know the V6 Plus doesn't have either of those.

The W6 looks similar to I'd say lower level commercial quality ROV like the Deep Trekker DTG3 that sells for $4,999, Deep Trekker's top model sells for $22,499 with all the bells and whistles, which is the DTG3 Navigator. Maybe you're right, maybe the W6 will sell for a much more hefty price like $10k or even $20k....
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I just had a conversation with QYSEA. They told me the V6 Plus will be 3-5 times the cost of the V6. I’ll try to send a screenshot of the conversation to you for verification. That is a higher price than I expected too, but it tracks with what Tomanuk was saying.
No shit man... They're going to lose a lot of customers to other ROVs if they do that with the Plus, I understand the high price with the Fifish W6, which is commercial/industrial, but man... $7k for the Plus? Are they making their robotic arm out of gold plating? :D

Ya send a screen shot if ya can, as I'm quite curious...

If this is the case, I think QYSEA should of been working on fixing the problems with the base model rather than upgrading to a newer model with a claw which will be out of a lot of hobbyists price range. I would expect those that own the Fifish V6 must be pretty pissed, I've seen a few Fifish owners remarking on their Facebook group page how they should be focused on fixing different issues with the base model, rather than focusing on new models.

But hey, that's how the GoPro company works, a lot of technology in general... I don't keep up with the aerial drones as much, but it seems when there's problem with the aerial drones, I see constant software updates and companies more responsible in fixing the hardware.

GoPro almost went into the shitter when they came out with those stupid cube shaped action cameras and their own aerial drone. With this underwater drones being a fresh new market niche, I don't think these companies or consumers know which route to take. Some may definitely go bankrupt like Fathom One after this whole Coronavirus Pandemic.

If QYSEA thinks the average consumer is going to dish out $7k after a pandemic where all these countries economies have been hit hard, I think they have another thing coming, ain't gonna to happen!!!

Anyways, I figured I'd make a forum like this to help give underwater drone owners a bigger voice, in case something like this happens... One of the big drawbacks with Facebook and those groups is they're private, you also can't compare specs, photos, videos, and other stuff. It's a pain keeping up with everything, as your Facebook feed doesn't always show when a person makes a post in one of those groups.

I almost bought the Fifish V6, instead bought the T1, which I ended up selling anyways. I think both of those drones have a lot of potential, but still need some work!
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Thanks for the private message Darkness Falls, that's definitely solid proof....

Maybe they'll still be making improvements to the base model for 2020, such as the LED lights that leak and the shakiness I see when there's a strong current in the sea.

And maybe their whole plan is to have a lower level consumer drone, mid-priced drone, then a more premium drone for commercial/industrial purposes.

As for the Fifish P3, I haven't heard too many good things about that drone.

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Ok, 3 to 5 times more expensive then the V6. I mean that will be the price for market entry. Maybe will be cheaper after a while. And keep in mind, they include a couple of new exiting things more then just 8h of potentially battery run time. Automatically avoiding obstacles, sonar distance lock, positioning system...
I don't want to just keep guessing and predicting, for the most part I do want to stay positive for the QYSEA! We'll see how it all plays out, yeah the 8 hour run time sounds pretty exciting, that's gotta be one hell of a battery.

I really don't want to see just one ruler of the underwater drone technology like I do with GoPro and action cameras, I want to see good competition so the technology can evolve. I think a big key to success is listening to what your customers want from an underwater drone.

Thanks for sharing this, I think it will be very educational for those that like the Fifish V6 and P3.
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Please excuse if my english is a bit weird. It isn't my first language but I really wanted to share this in this forum.

Look what I found on the Fifish Website. If you visit this link here:


You can see the future products in the menu. With the Fifish v6s already costing almost 3000 $ I don't think that the fifish v6 plus is suppoed to compete with the Chasing m2. Now we just need to wait if the fifish v6s is better than the m2. The Website already states that the fifish v6s has a 60% bigger battery. We just need to wait until may for the m2 specs.

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Yeah I just saw their updated website today, I missed your post @new_guy!

The Fifish V6s looks wicked, $3k, so this will be the model that competes with the Chasing M2.

I'm gonna go rob a bank and purchase that Fifish W6 😁

Their lineup looks sick, which means awesome New_Guy in American slang english, lol. I may hold off with purchasing a Mini or the M2, I just want to see what this V6s is about, that new robotic arm looks pretty heavy duty and well developed with quality materials. Two floating devices on the side of it for better bouncy? I heard this is the problem with the Geneinno Titan's arm, that once you attach it the drone leans forward too much.


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I found some videos on Youtube on the Fifish v6s. In one of which the Fifish v6s is shown to lift a 10 Kg (22 Pound) heavy handle. I think that this is amazing. I also just send an E-Mail to Chasing to ask about the full specs and the release date. I'll share them with you guys when I get their E-Mail about it. In a Youtube video at CES 2020 one of the Chasing Workers said that the Chasing M2 would be featuring a 4k 60 FPS camera. And also of course it has an Arm too.

Here are the links. They are all on YouTube

Video where the Fifish v6s is shown to lift 10 Kg (22 Pounds):

Another Fifish v6s Video(It seems like they improved the stability a lot):

And the Chasing M2 CES 2020 Video(He mentions the 4k 60FPS at 3:15):

And here is another Video where a pre-production version of the Chasing M2 is tested. Its stability is already amazing for a pre-production model:
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I just got the E-Mail from Chasing about the M2 this is what they wrote me:
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I know I asked for shipping in Germany. But on Blue Skies Drones (which I'm guessing is for Americans) it says early June.
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They also have the shipping date for the Fifish v6s.
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Though the People who released the Fifish v6s videos on Youtube said that it would be available for pre-sale from 05/12/2020 and that it would be shipped from 06/15/2020.

To come back to the E-Mail about the Chasing M2 they send me two documents about the specs of the Chasing M2. It seems like we won't be seeing a 4k 60 FPS camera. ''Only'' a 4k 30 FPS camera.

If you want to have the Excel and Powerpoint documents with the full specs just ask me under

new_guy1234@outlook.com and then I can send them to you.
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Now finally. I accidentally posted it on the wrong thread but here it ist now. Those are the specs of the Chasing M2 that Chasing send me
The base model M2 comes with a smaller battery than the Fifish v6s. 97 Wh for the M2 (which is the same battery size as the Fifish v6) vs about 160 Wh for the Fifish v6s. There is going to be a 200Wh battery but I don't know how much it's going to cost.
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They said that the runtime should be between 2-4 hours on the base model battery (about the same as the Fifish v6) so that would mean that you could have a runtime of 4-8 hours with the 200Wh battery which could be potentially more than the Fifish v6s. And remember that only the M2 has a replaceable battery and the Fifish v6 and v6s don't. Then again like with Drone manufactures you should always take runtimes with a grain of salt. Also, don't forget the Chasing M2 has 2 more rotors than the Fifish v6 and v6s.
I just had a conversation with QYSEA. They told me the V6 Plus will be 3-5 times the cost of the V6. I’ll try to send a screenshot of the conversation to you for verification. That is a higher price than I expected too, but it tracks with what Tomanuk was saying.
I have an email from Qysea sales manager telling me that v6 plus will be between 10k - 12k dépends option...and w6 will be 22k! Usd... very expensive...too expensive