QYSEA and Chasing Price Gouging on Shipping Parts

Eternal Angler


I'm sorry, how does it cost $30 to ship a tiny plastic battery clip, when on ebay small businesses are shipping gopro parts like doors and usb cords for free or $5 on average, yet still making a profit on ebay.

Case in Point
GoPro USB Cord - $3.65 Shipping from China

Camera Protective UV Lens Cover - $1.59 from China

GoPro 8 Battery Door - Free Shipping from China

I could see $10 on shipping, but $30 is just price gouging, I seen another Fifish V6 owner experience the same thing, that QYSEA charges them close to $30 to ship a few cheap propellers from China.

And again, since this battery clip has to be the cheapest part on the Chasing M2, why doesn't any of the local retailers like UrbanDrones.com, Wellbots.com, and WanderLustDrones.com have these in stock.

Probably going to take a month for this cheap plastic part to get to me, especially due to the pandemic. This needs to be thought out better and handled better... Honestly though, I'm sure it's thought out, because the cheaper a part is made, quicker it breaks, more profit to be made from these companies... At the cost to our planet!!! I understand some things have to be made out of plastic on the M2 to cut down on price, but a part like this, that will be used so much after a dive to recharge a battery, completely unacceptable! I've only had 15 dives, yet they plan on passing the M2 off as a commercial drone? Not happening!!!

I'm glad Chasing did say they're "considering updating our battery clip now." But, this needs to happen pronto!

So $40 for a cheap new battery clip... Hmmm and the enticement to buy a few more clips just in case it breaks again, maybe I'll try a different expoxy made specifically to bond to plastic...

I'll wait till these clips get shipped out to UrbanDrones.com or the other companies, that way I'm not paying 4x the price of the part in shipping. Sorry not giving Chasing any more money out of my pocket when I paid $3,000 for this drone!

Maybe we'll start to see these clips on Alibaba or Aliexpress for a few bucks, I just emailed Chasing back saying I'm not paying $40 for a cheap plastic part that might break within a few weeks again. Completely unacceptable!

Another broken clip in the same spot from another Chasing M2 owner.

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It's pretty weird that nobody has parts. I keep all parts in stock.

Thanks for the input YoucanPhil, I did email Urban Drones a couple days ago, I'll message Wellbots.com and WanderLustDrones.com I suspect if they had the part available, it would be listed on their online shop just like the replacement LED lights and propellers.
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I got a hit, blueskiesdronerental.com responded, they got two clips in stock but they moved recently and are still unpacking.


Still $25 in shipping since they're out of washington and they charge $10 a clip, so $35... At least I don't have to wait a month for the clip to get here from China. But still waiting on response back to see if they'll ship it to me since they've moved.