Omni Scan Sonar for Geneinno T1 Pro Underwater Drone

Eternal Angler


Geneinno does it again with the Omni Scan Sonar which has a 360 degree scan range for the T1 Pro, this will make a great new addition for trying to locate fish when water visibility is tough. So it will be able detect an object beyond the camera range and provide the target identification, the T1 Pro also supports third party sonar as well. Man oh man, now I'm wishing I hadn't sold my T1 now... lol But hey, I could always buy the T1 Pro instead of the Chasing M2! The sonar would be very beneficial for my fishing channel, definitely for trying to locate those monster musky at Lake St. Clair. This technology is right at our finger tips in the consumer sector now, last time I seen something like this was on History Channel Monster Quest using a commercial underwater drone that cost upwards of $100,000 dollars. Anyone excited? I sure am!
