No Store to Buy a Chasing M2 Battery Clip

Eternal Angler

I joined the broken battery clip club. Seeing how cheap and brittle this part is, I figured,, and would have thousands of these clips ready to distribute, I don't see any online shops selling them. But Urban Drones is selling replaceable led lights, replaceable motors, and propellers... This makes no sense, I contacted Chasing on May 26, this is the response I got


That's great and all that they told the product manager, after I told them they should beefen up the clip and make it out of painted aluminum, but they provided me with no way of purchasing a new clip. Going on June 1st, still no response after I asked them where I buy a new one.

I tried gluing the clip back together with this Loctite Epoxy, soon as I put the clip back on it split apart again. Doh!!!!

I honestly knew it was just a matter of time, seeing others breaking them, I got home from 4 hours of fishing, also an hour of diving with the M2, bit tired, put the drone in the tub to clean out the motors, about to take out the battery, used a little too much strength, clip got in the way and snap!!!!

Sad because I got some of the best footage today from my M2... Chasing, can't we do better than this? With brittle parts like these, I just can't see the Chasing M2 ever being sold to police departments, how much is this part? Just being honest... The handle where the tether is attached is too small and brittle as well, Fifish's handle is a lot thicker... Other than that, loving my Chasing M2... But these parts have to be upgraded, can't see the M2 Pro being equipped with these same cheap parts and being passed off as a commercial drone.
