Hello world


New member
Wow its quiet here, not a single post! I guess I'm first!
Any Powerdolphin owners? :) I just ordered mine (after returning FIFISH V6), I guess I'll find out in a week or so how good this thing is :)
I'm not a fisherman, but I do a lot filming and photography with regular air drones. Having something on the water would expand posibilities...
Site was down for 2 months because I went to Florida, got it back up like a month or so ago, lot of the posts probably have to get re-indexed in the search engine.

I mean doesn't help that tech companies want to start owning cities soon and social media has basically monopolized the internet. Most the fishing forums I used be on like LakeStClair.net are dead, tough competing with Facebook groups, I do miss the days of when forums were thriving, but it is what it is, hobbyists come and go on this forum. And since it's a fairly new hobbie, it hasn't even caught on with lot of hobbyists, I mean a lot of guys I see flying their aerial drones when I'm out fishing aren't even aware you can buy a underwater drone like the Gladius Mini for only $1k. And certain times of seasons, the forums more active than others. There's a lot of people that browse the forums but never register, they'd rather get programmed by Zuckernerd on Facebook.

However, I'll say this, it does seem like the drone forums are holding their own these days, I've seen some pretty active forums like MavicPilots.com
Yeah what sucks too is, when I owned a few car forums like 15 years ago, you could make pretty good money from adsense, now with more and more users using adblock and adblindness, basically useless to use adsense on forums unless you're getting lots and lots of traffic.

Just weird this day and age we're living in, maybe it will turn around, but I honestly think we're just headed down the big tech route of Elysium or Robocop, basically inevitable.