Gladius Mini with Custom GoPro Mount & Skids

Eternal Angler

These photos should give you Gladius Mini owners how to attach a GoPro action camera or add in some skids to protect your thrusters and motors from turning up rocks, gravel, and weeds at the botton of lakes and the ocean. Great idea to add a GoPro 8 with the 2.0 hypersmooth which could make for some better professional video quality, however the extra weight may make the Mini hard to navigate, hard to say until you try it. Better to position the GoPro in the center, so you don't throw off the weight distribution. Thinks are a lot better underwater with weight than the air, considering aerial drones, however, when gravity pulls down and you have the GoPro to far in the front, might make it lean forward. If your Gladius Mini is leaning forward all the time, it may put added stress on the front two motor. And more weight you add to the Gladius Mini, may decreased battery time. Great ideas, but gotta be careful with the added weight and where you attach these cool modifications.




