First Fifish V6 Modification - Protective Screen Covers for Thrusters

Eternal Angler


This was one of the first modifications I've seen for the QYSEA Fifish V6 underwater drone, a very safe one to do to be exact, kind of a good investment for your underwater drone. As we're starting to get reports of warn out blades by weeds and gravel from the bottom, as well as fishing line getting stuck in the thruster motors damaging them. The YouTube user of this ingenous mod was Gordon n' Bruce Jones, I've actually seen some ROV owners do this with their Gladius Mini. Problem with the Fifish V6 is you can only do one side. Luckily QYSEA's new thruster protectors cover both sides of the propellers, but so far I have yet to see these being sold on the market yet. So I wouldn't be suprised if more Fifish V6 owners do a mod like this for the time being.


Here's the official thruster covers from QYSEA, both seem to be great ways of protecting your motors and propellers from gravel, seaweed, and sand.
I have ordered a set of thruster protectors from Spain. A little expensive at
99 euros+delivery. I believe they reduce the power of the thrusters by 20%, Should be arriving soon.
Let me know how the protectors work out for ya...

This is kind of a neat idea, one hobbyist just posted this in the Underwater Drones, ROV, Scooter Facebook Group. Biodegradable Propellers.


I suspect once the prices come down on the 3d printers, really won't have to worry too much about damaging propellers. Prices have come down, but I think they still need to come down some more on the quality printers.
I would consider purchasing a 3d printer to print my own propellers out of stronger material. Although replacements are only £25 for the fifish V6.