Chasing M2 Still Shaky After Algorithm Update

Eternal Angler


After watching this new video that was recently uploaded by Chasing, quite obvious the recent algorithm update hasn't really addressed the shakiness of the Chasing M2. CMO Jacky Yang kind of asserted me that the software update addressed some of the shakiness navigating in the water. And again, the electronic image stabilization looks horrible as well with sort of a wavy distorted picture. I hate to be harsh, but seriously, this is a very expensive underwater drone.... I really expected more!

You're really not going to capture any professional photography with the M2 if you're getting the tremors and shakiness like what's seen in the video up above, I know going slower can stop a lot of the shakiness, refining any swift movement with your fingers, I get that... I refined my finger movement with the controls on the Geneinno T1 and it helped a lot, which I have to remark on how better the T1 footage is compared to the M2's footage. I'm honestly starting to think the 8 thruster design isn't what it's cracked up to be, maybe the M2 will be just better for commercial purposes like hull and dock inspecting, aquaculture inspection, search rescue, and treasure hunting. I think the underwater photography should just be crossed out on their website because this footage looks so bad, I'm surprised that Chasing would even post this video on their main YouTube channel thinking it's of good quality.


Is it even worth having lateral movement? Most the videos I watch, no one ever seems to be using that type of navigation. I suspect there's some type button you may have to push in order to make the M2 move that way anyways. I mean, the features on the Chasing M2 are amazing such as a replaceable battery, removable sd card, and robotic claw... But for me, unless the footage is somewhat stable, all those features are basically wasted. I think since the 8 thruster design tends to shake the whole drone any time it slightly changes movement, no matter how careful you are, maybe Chasing should of thought about using a gimbal for their camera like the Robosea BIKI uses, since that underwater drone is always shaking from the robotic tail in back. Maybe this is something the company can think about and develop in the sometime future for the M2. I also don't see the new GoPros 8 & 9 videos having any of that wavy distortion with their hypersmooth 2.0 or hypersmooth 3.0, which I assume also uses some sort of electronic image stabilization.

One of my favorite videos of the Gladius Mini

I mean if you compare the videos I've seen of the Gladius Mini filming fish versus the Chasing M2, there's really no comparison! Considering it's been like 2 years since the Mini's release date in 2018, Chasing could of at least came out with an upgraded battery for the Mini. I've heard the new upgraded version does plan to hit the market in April, but amazes me how they've been just sitting on this smooth 5 thruster design that's already stable for professional filming. All it really needs is a sd card slot and longer battery or replaceable batteries, the Mini would be rock solid!

I would really like the option of a claw for either the M2 or Mini for treasure hunting, but after watching dozens of unstable videos of the M2, now I'm just going back to square one with concentrating on having stable footage first. Anyways, I'll give it some time, see what's in store next for the M2, maybe see if there's any sales on the Fifish V6s, maybe I'll even consider that underwater drone again. But, I'm starting to notice a common trend with the Omini movement underwater drones, it seems like when you stick in another thruster or two for lateral movement, making it a 6 or 8 thruster design, these drones start getting some sort of jitteriness when they suddenly change any direction navigating. I've seen similar shakiness with the Fifish V6 videos, but some of the new footage from the V6s seems to be a lot more stable now. Maybe just more bugs needs to be worked out, more software updates, working on the algorithm, not sure... But I'm in no rush after watching the video up above!
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And you really have to be careful watching any video of the M2 in a controlled environment, like a pool or tank like seen here. Because that's not where the M2 is going to be primarily used!

I think reviewers like Dustin Dunhill shouldn't even be using his pool anymore, that needs to be retired and his youtube channel needs to evolve, especially since he lives on an Island. That way we know how each underwater drone performs in an actual environment.

Guess where I first tested my Geineinno T1 out, in back canal of lake st clair right in the middle of winter ;) Got straight to the point!

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