Chasing F1 Drone at the Docklands Australia

Eternal Angler


This is one of the first quality videos I've seen of the Chasing F1 Drone on YouTube, I mean despite saying that, I'm not very impressed. So you supposed to navigate this drone around on the surface with a cord dangling bellow with a camera attached, but what happens if the surface above is kind of rough? This drone could never be used on my home lake, Lake St. Clair unless it's a clam day, especially in any of the great lakes, way too rough!

And most of the footage this YouTuber captured with the F1 seems to be on an angle. So you supposed to find fish this way? on an angle? Then mark the spot and move around with the two tiny thrusters to another spot? Considering how slow the F1 moves when compared to a standard 55 lb Minn Kota Trolling Motor... Or how about when a bass boat or deep v hulle boat is just using it's standard 4 stroke 150 hp motor graphing spots, cutting through waves, using the super wide side finding technology to look for structure and mark schools of fish. I honestly don't think the F1 could ever move through the water as fast as a trolling motor or standard 2 or 4 stroke gas motor. And knowing fishermen, because I am one, they don't want the hassle of dealing with any loose extra parts when using a fish finder. And if you haven't noticed, this drone solely uses all your focus to control it, while a standard fish finder you can still fish while using a trolling motor with your foot at the same time, basically allow you to multitask, do three things at once.

So many fishermen are actually fishing when using a fish finder, some have one near the steering console, some have one all the way up front, some have both. And when they catch a fish, some have a controller in their back pocket that can easily mark a spot soon as they hook into a fish. It's just way too much hassle with this fish finder drone and for the price, most fishermen can buy a kick ass Humminbird Helix 7 side finder instead for the same money which can cover more ground or use that money towards panoptix livescope that uses the new live technology.

It's a good idea, but I think it comes up short. I honestly think that Chasing Innovation should of implemented some of the features such as GPS, bait boat, infrared and sonar on the Chasing M2 and marketed it towards fishermen instead of this weird contraption. Again, I hope most do realize that this isn't going to work on big water due to how rough it gets. Even if it's a small inland lake and there's a little chop on the water from a strong wind, I think the dangling cord is going to be shaking too much.

I mean maybe I'm wrong, maybe the bait boat might come in handy for shoreline fishing for carp or something, which is very big in Europe. Instead of slinging the corn out there with a slingshot, they could send the F1 out. But I'm not really liking the view of the underwater camera though, everything looks like it's on an angle, the footage also seems sloppy and shaky to me.

I have to say though, I do like the fact that Chasing Innovation is trying out something new and marketing towards fishermen like me, again, maybe they can use some of these features on one of the underwater drones instead. I like companies that are fearless on trying out new technology, maybe this will just be the stepping stone to a second generation or third generation F1 drone that will kick ass. I like a company that tries out new ideas, this is how innovation and improvements are made within society and culture!
This video just popped up in my YouTube feed today of the Chasing F1, the footage is a lot better, but as you've noticed, the lake where he was fishing at, it was completely glass out with no wind that, I'm sure he was very picky when he filmed this day with the F1.

I don't speak Russian, so I don't know what's hes saying. Looks as though he casted out a live minnow, waited for a pike to come along and took it. I guess I could see the F1 being a useful tool if you bobber fish like that, spying on what fish comes up to your bait, kind of neat.

The dude definitely has a pretty kick ass pike fishing channel
