Search results

  1. K3rnalPanic

    ROV Programmer Job

    Figured id post this here in case anyone feels squirrely and wants to make some side money. I am Brian Deatherage owner of Tidal Ai (AUVs Unleashed) Position Looking to Hire: Guidance Navigation and Control Engineer for Autonomous Drone Tidal is looking for an engineer with experience...
  2. K3rnalPanic

    Inside Chasing m2 rov

    anyone ever open the Chasing M2 up and look inside? what does the inside look like do we know what kind of electronics are used? anyone have pictures?
  3. K3rnalPanic

    Cut the Cord

    Curious if you guys know of any projects that are using rovs and AI to cut the tether and let the drone do autonomous functions like mapping. ? The projects I have found have been closed source and dont offer navigation programming, I was kind of hoping to build on a platform. Anyone actually...