Recent content by Zandor hercules

  1. Z

    Propeller change

    I wish :( I can pull it away .5cm then it snaps I'm pulling the entire motor assembly or glued...??? I've watched the videos...looks simple. I'm afraid to force it off. I appreciate all the help. Thx
  2. Z

    Propeller change

    Trying to change propeller fifishv6. Seems like there is a spring or something preventing easy removal. This is after removing the blade cap. Please tell me what I'm missing.
  3. Z

    V6 compass heading off

    I have same issue and it varies from my tablet to my phone (A42) .....I've had no luck with the information/contact department qysea.
  4. Z

    Lights flashing.

    Does anyone experience this issue? V6. Is there a way to to adjust auto focus?