Recent content by DaveM

  1. D

    Fifish V6 Propeller Blades Worn Down by Gravel & Weeds

    I hope the new blades are a lot stronger than the original ones, they arrive tomorrow. I also ordered the protectors which will arrive on Tuesday. I will keep you updated on how they perform.
  2. D

    First Fifish V6 Modification - Protective Screen Covers for Thrusters

    I would consider purchasing a 3d printer to print my own propellers out of stronger material. Although replacements are only £25 for the fifish V6.
  3. D

    Fifish V6 Propeller Blades Worn Down by Gravel & Weeds

    The seller said the damage was done because I did not calibrate the drone before putting it in the water even though there was no mention of calibration in the quick start guide. Also the compass in the bottom right hand corner was reading correctly and the indicator in the bottom left showed...
  4. D

    First Fifish V6 Modification - Protective Screen Covers for Thrusters

    I have ordered a set of thruster protectors from Spain. A little expensive at 99 euros+delivery. I believe they reduce the power of the thrusters by 20%, Should be arriving soon.
  5. D

    Fifish V6 Propeller Blades Worn Down by Gravel & Weeds

    Following my first dive with the QYSEA V6 I managed to badly damage 3 propeller blades on one thruster ( see attached photo) and one blade of two other thrusters. The seller is sending me a full set of propellers. I would like to fit the thruster protectors when they come available.
  6. D

    Autopilot under the water.

    I eventually found out, it's similar to waypoints where you can pre program distance and direction.
  7. D

    Autopilot under the water.

    In an email I received from my Fifish V6 provider he stated " Update the software. After updating you will have the new function: autopilot under the water." Has anyone heard of this new function?