수중 톱(원형 회전톱 or 그라인더)이 있었다면???

Bluesky Lee

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로프를 쉽게 제거할 수 있었을 것입니다.
V6 expert 구매하고 첫 다이빙!!
어선의 프로펠러를 살펴봤습니다.
폭우가 지나간 후라서 물속 시야가 1미터도 확보되지
않았습니다. * 영상 파일을 압축해서 vga 파일입니다
(화질이 낮음)
~~이곳은 SOUTH KOREA의 중부해안도시 서해안(WEST SEA)입니다.

If.. if there was a waterproof circular saw (grinder)????????
The rope could have been easily removed...
Buy V6 expert and dive for the first time!!
I looked at the propeller of a fishing boat.
After a heavy rain, visibility under the water was not even 1 meter.
didn't * It is a vga file by compressing the video file.
(low quality)
~~This is the central coastal city of SOUTH KOREA, West Sea.
If.. if there was a waterproof circular saw (grinder)????????
The rope could have been easily removed...
Now you're talking, that would be very cool.

How about some scissors? lol Probably take for ever for a thick rope like that, but if they're super sharp, might work. Geneinno was working on scissors for their T1, not sure what happen with that, would of worked for small rope and possibly small wire.


Now you're talking, that would be very cool.

How about some scissors? lol Probably take for ever for a thick rope like that, but if they're super sharp, might work. Geneinno was working on scissors for their T1, not sure what happen with that, would of worked for small rope and possibly small wire.

View attachment 956
View attachment 957
Ummm... I can't even cut 22mm~70mm pp rope with scissors like that. The above vessels are not recreational boats or yachts. hull length
FRP fishing boats over 96 feet and with a full displacement of over 50 tons. The thickness of the propeller shaft is also that thick. If the 1800rpm low-rpm, high-torque, 1,000-horsepower Cummins diesel engine and 4:1 high-load, high-torque reducer rotate, the reducer cannot overcome the resistance of the rope and the engine stops, how thick pp rope will wind the propeller shaft?
* Only rotary power tools (grinders) without saw blades are good for cutting scratched pp ropes in water.
~~The robot arm gripper is powered by a DC 10~12.6 volt electric motor actuator. However much
Instead of a gripper, the manufacturer can also adapt a rotary saw.
I hope QYSEA also refer to this article..


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