Mantis VR ROV with Live 360 3D Camera

Eternal Angler

Now this is an idea that companies or even hobbyists should think about doing with their underwater drone... Making an underwater housing for a 360 camera. This photo, is a shot of the Mantis VR commercial ROV, this company's housing can work with the Insta360 Pro2 camera, allowing professionals to shoot in 8K stereoscopic 3D footage. Now I've talked about adding a 360 Camera onboard before, but never did I think about how immersive experience the would be with a 3D camera or going live for that matter, now that would be really neat idea! You can head over to this company's website for more information on latency, bandwith and power


I suspect you can find a way to mount this housing on your Fifish V6s or Chasing M2. Little steep in the price though, lol, I suspect Chasing, QYSEA, or Geneinno could make a replica at a more reasonable price.




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