Underwater Drone Controller vs Tablet Touch Screen vs VR Headset

Eternal Angler

So when it comes to accuracy and precision, how you like to navigate and maneuver your drone through the water, which type of controlling device do you prefer. Do you prefer a controller? Do your prefer a touch screen from your tablet of smart phone? Or do you prefer a VR headset like what the QYSEA Fifish V6 uses for making your turns? I know you still have to use a controller to move forward and backwards though.

I for one prefer the controller over a tablet any day! I tried navigating the Titan around with the touch screen a little and it didn't feel as precise. And from the looks of it, I think the Fifish V6 is a bit too jerky using head movement for making turns with the VR headset. I mean if you move your head slower it might have more precision, but I honestly don't like the idea of having a phone attached to my head for 3-4 hours, do you? Remind you there was a new study out from Chicago Tribune showing higher than normal radiation from modern day cell phones.

I think to get the most accuracy out of your underwater drone, I think having the original controller for your drone and some type of smart glasses for the visual to prevent glare from the sun. I think Silver Surfer FPV has the right idea in mind, but the smart glasses he uses, the Moverio BT300, are very pricey! I think a cell phone vr headset would be better, where you just slip in a cell phone. I mean if you're worried about radiation levels, just buy a cheap cell phone and don't activate, just use it primarily for your underwater drone.
