So I decided to make a storage case for my V6


New member
When I was in Iraq many years ago, we were installing some special equipment onto our MRAP vehicles. Well, this special equipment was shipped in Pelican Storm Cases. After it was installed, the cases were being tossed. I grabbed myself a few of them, slapped a label on them, and SAM mailed them back across the Atlantic. Fast forward to today and I still have one of them in the garage. Just so happens that my V6 needs someplace to rest when it’s not exploring the underwater world so, let’s introduce them.

I started off with a Pelican M2750 Storm case. There was no foam in it except the top lid. I decided to try and reuse the packing foam that came with the V6. It’s already precut for the ROV so it was just a matter of making it fit properly.

Now my V6 came shipped with two layers of foam. The top containing the ROV and the bottom containing the spool, controller, VR headset, and power cables. Each layer was approximately 7 inches thick. The storm case is 11 inches deep. The length of the foam was a perfect fit for the width of the case. Once installed, it left an additional 7 1/2 inches of open space that I will use to Build storage for the spool and controller.

I measured a 3 inch thick section of the bottom layer of foam and used a butter knife to separate the layers.

I glued the 3 inch piece from the second layer to the bottom of the first layer. This gave me a total thickness of 10 inches for the ROV to set in.

At 10 inches, the top of the foam layer set one inch below the lid foam of the case. This allowed me to glue the original top layer of foam from the V6 box to the lid foam.

The entire ROV is now incased in foam protection from front to back while allowing for the original manufacturer’s cutouts. Now I don’t have to worry about creating an unforeseen pressure point between the foam and the fin or the motor brackets. That’s all I’m going to do for tonight. I still have to build a storage area for the rest of the components in the empty area to the right. Thanks for reading!


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Dude that's mega cool! Now I know what case to buy, I love modifying and making things myself as well. Very sharp, looks stock, as if QYSEA is selling these for mass production!