Only Underwater Drone with VR Headset

Eternal Angler



If you aren't aware, The QYSEA Fifish V6 is the only underwater drone that comes with a VR headset. While it's pretty cool to see the Fifish V6 make turns just by the head movement of of the headset, I think an even bigger benefit to having the VR Headset it blocking out the sun and glare. As I've noticed, just using the Geneinno Titan T1 with a tablet, it's very hard to spot where you're navigating when you're in murky conditions.

And if you don't know this already, you can take any standard smart phone and actually use one of the VR Headsets off Amazon to control your underwater drone, whether it be the Gladius Mini, Geneinno T1, or BW Space Pro. I'm still iffy about using my smart phone though for numerous hours after reading the Chicagno Tribune paper though about radiation levels being a little high. I wonder if there's ways of using something like the Oculus Go Standalone?