How to Replace Propeller on Fifish V6 ROV

Eternal Angler


Kind of bummer that this is in Chinese, but the video footage still shows how easy it is to replace a propeller on the QYSEA Fifish V6 ROV. I think the most important thing is to have the propper size screw driver, I went to both Lowes and Home Depot, they had these really crappy screw drivers that had pointy phillips heads that kind of strip out the heads of screws. I ended up going to a local hardware store to find a set of General Precision Screwdriver Set, which was made of a lot better quality. I like seeing how easy it is to replace propeller, with the Geneinno Titan I have to go through a lot more work. I'm really not surprised this video popped up recently on YouTube, I think QYSEA needs to think about upgrading the plastic material they use for their propellers or just make them thicker.