GoPro 9 to PowerDolphin

Eternal Angler


Looking for a better quality footage from the PowerDolphin? Simple, try attaching a GoPro 9 to the PowerDolphin for high quality 4k footage. The hypersmooth 3 stabilization on the GoPro 9 will definitely help smooth out any shaky footage from the current or the rough waves as well, GoPro is a great investment for this cool drone.
That's my photo lol :) Just FYI, don't mount it like I did in the photo. Weight of camera tilts drone forward making props and water sensors leave water. I couldn't get it going for more than a second at a time. However reviewing footage I can tell you it's amazing, can't even compare with crappy onboard camera that's always tilted to the side.... If you do this, place GoPro as close to the middle of the boat, probably just in front of On/Off button. If you move it further it will be sitting on the battery door that's not very secure and antennas will get into camera view. Powervision needs to redesign this boat with Action camera mount in mind...