Glare using iphone & ipad


New member
I am new to U/W drones. I just purchased a Chasing Dory and am impressed with the operation. But am having an extremely hard time with glare on my iphone and older ipad. I have tried adjusting brightness on both. Even if I stand in shade it is better but still unsatisfactory. If I did pass over a smaller item I would to check out, I would not notice it. I cannot believe I am the only one with this problem. Any advice would be appreciated.
Yes, it's can be very bad sunny days and make operating an underwater drone impossible. I turned up brightness on my iPad using my Geneinno T1 and it helped big time. However, even on traditional sunny days with some clouds in the sky, it's still tough to navigate. Just this past winter I took my ipad and T1 out on the ice, the glare off the ice made it impossible to use. Now I could of tried navigating inside the shanty, but I just decided to wait until I get a good set of DJI FPV Goggles. These aren't that expensive... Chasing Innovation had done a video talking about how to use them with the Dory and Mini. I honestly think FPV goggles are a must in order to operate these underwater drones efficiently. I've never tried operating from smartphone, that's gotta be even tougher.

I'm not sure which underwater drone I may get in the future, as I sold my Geneinno T1, I may just get the Gladius Mini since I already $2k on a Hobie Kayak recently, but whichever ROV I get, whether it's the Chasing M2 or the Gladius Mini, I for sure will purchase the DJI Goggles with my next underwater drone.
You could always get a sun hoods for your ipad or iphone, there's numerous one's listed on Amazon, this is a lot cheaper option. I'm sure this could also help big time, but honestly, I'd rather purchase a good set of FPV goggles.

There's all kinds of names for these, here's some keywords to search
sun visor
sun shade
sun hood
privacy cover
privacy hood

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There's also these VR Headsets on Amazon where you can slip in your smartphone, but personally I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want a phone strapped to my head for 3-4 hours navigating my underwater drone considering the radiation level, it's rather miniscule, but word still ain't out on this exposure may be raising cancer risk and effecting the cells of our body.

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I really appreciate the help. I was kind of at my wits end. I had emailed Chasing re: my problem and they suggested I get a remote controller and/or fiddle with the brightness on my phone and ipad. Neither really addressed my problem. I had thought about a hood but not the VR goggles. I remembered that somebody had given me VR goggles a couple of years ago. Couldnt get them to work well. I found them and tried using the iphone. They are really cheap and I think they cost about 10.00 on Amazon. Did not work properly. I plan on getting a good set from Amazon. ( Easy to return if not satisfied ) Will will also get the controller. Again, Thanks much. Will post in the future as to my results.
I really appreciate the help. I was kind of at my wits end. I had emailed Chasing re: my problem and they suggested I get a remote controller and/or fiddle with the brightness on my phone and ipad. Neither really addressed my problem.

That's what forums are for ;) Believe me, even the companies are asking us for ideas, how we're going to use these underwater drones, for each niche like fishing and treasure hunting. We're really in unknown territory with this hobby, however, you would think the representative from Chasing would of at least pointed you towards their youtube video of using the DJI Goggles. And really, these ROVs are not too far from traditional aerial drones, I'm sure a lot of those hobbyists have found ways around the sun glare, there may be a few other ways I haven't mentioned in this post.

I remembered that somebody had given me VR goggles a couple of years ago. Couldnt get them to work well. I found them and tried using the iphone. Will will also get the controller. Again, Thanks much. Will post in the future as to my results.

It probably depends on what brand of VR goggles, a lot of them are probably cheap, I've been hearing good things about the DJI FPV goggles. Hopefully more hobbyists can chime in on this post in the future what seems to be working the best. YouTuber by the name of Herve Pellarin seems to be having success with the DJI Goggles.

They are really cheap and I think they cost about 10.00 on Amazon. Did not work properly. I plan on getting a good set from Amazon. ( Easy to return if not satisfied )

Yep, that's what Amazon's good for, if you don't like it, return it!!! Sadly a lot of these underwater drones don't have return policies, but hey, make benefit of the return policy on the smaller accessories like the Goggles.

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I think I am going to try the VR goggles first. I have a hard time justifying spending 350.00 on FPV when I only paid 500.00 on Dory. If I get into this I may upgrade the drone. Also I probably know some kid who has a FPV set I could try. Thanks again and will post results on the VR goggles.
Well, I tried the goggles but the ones I have are a split screen and do not work. Next I ordered anti-glare covers for the ipad and ipad. Still lousy. If I did go over something I was interested in, Iwould be unable to see it. I am either going to try a hood or quit screwing around and exchange the Dory for the Power Vision for 700.00. Anybody have any experience with the Power Vision PRW 10?