Fishing Line Damages Fifish V6 Thruster Motor

Eternal Angler


So just forewarning Fifish V6 owners, be aware of fishing line that lurks on the surface as well as fishing line that may be attached to a fishing lure down below. A lot of times lures can get snagged in rocks and structure off the bottom, when a fishermen breaks off their line, there's usually some stranded fishing line. And what's werid is, monofilament floats, while fluorocarbon sinks. And monofilament is what got tangled up in OriginaldoBo's thruster on the Fifish V6, he said they accidentally ran over some monofilament near the top of the water.

Luckily QYSEA if responding with these thruster propeller protective covers. They look pretty sharp!


I had seen owners already modding their underwater drones with screens and what not, but the problem with this is, you can only do one side.
