Fifish V6 LED Lights Leaking near O-ring

Eternal Angler

I've been seeing more and more posts of the LED lights leaking on the Fifish V6, then actually water getting stuck in the light compartment. Some operators suspect the powerful LED lights on the ROV are heating up the o-rings or other seals, then allowing the water to penetrate. Sadly the owner who recently posted this image on the Fifish V6 Facebook group still hasn't heard back from QYSEA, the Coronavirus has really screwed up the customer support for multiple underwater drone companies, I've heard other owners complain about the Geneinno Titan which is also made in China. Really pissed me off that the Coronavirus outbreak is really starting to effect the economy here in the states along with China, it may postpone some of the new underwater drone release dates like the Fifish V6+, Fifish W6, and Chasing M2.
