Chasing M2 Underwater Drone with Claw Robotic Arm

Eternal Angler


Big news folks, the CMO and co-founder Jacky Yank remarked that their new underwater drone the M2 will have ability to add a robotic arm or what reference to as a claw. So you'll be able to pick up items off the bottom of a pond, lake, river, or ocean with the Chasing M2. It's starting to sound like this is the be all, end all, underwater drone on the market. Considering you'll be able to maneuver at a 90 degree angle, do lateral movement, even rotate the M2 with the robotic arm, making it much more efficient at picking up items at the bottom. Yet this is Chasing's only 4th generation drone on the market, incredible how fast the technology is progressing!

I'm already ready to preorder this magnificent machine!
