Chasing Dory will not save video


New member
Can anyone help with the Chasing Dory?

I hit record or take a photo but nothing gets recorded to my phone. I thought I had gotten great footage but when I got home there was nothing. Nothing saved to my phone and nothing saved to the Media section of the app.

When I hit record for video, the timer shows as progressing. When I click for a picture, I get the click notification on the app but absolutely nothing gets saved....
Welcome to the forum SPYBAZ!

Wish I had a Dory to help you out, but I don't know the interface, have you posted this in the Official Chasing Owners Group? The group is fairly large and people respond back pretty quickly

This is still such a fresh forum and there's mostly Fifish V6 owners on here...

We have one other member on here with the Dory, which is @ptrsen , if you want to try messaging them go for it.

I know not everyone has a Facebook account... Let me know how it goes if you get the problem sorted out and be sure to post how you resolved the problem, just in case others come across the same problem.
The photos and videos save to the drone (or wifi tether). You have to have them powered on to see the media in the app, then save to device.