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    Bavaria from underwater

    QYsea FiFish V6 drone experience - Bavaria from under the water:
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    Special Setup: FiFish V6 on a big screen

    Hi All, First test of our special setup for an underwater drone experience - projecting the video to the big screen instead of mobile phone. Highly recommend it! FiFish V6 Volume 5: drone experience on a big screen
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    QySea FiFish V6 - the dark side of Walchensee

    Exploring the underwater world of Weichensee with the Fifish V6, at the depth of 30 meters with lights on and off. The battery was still not empty after 2 hours of diving:)
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    Second dive with FiFish V6

    Hi All, My second underwater expedition with FiFish V6:) Really loved it, even though faced a couple of beginner issues. Would be very grateful for any improvement suggestions, thanks!