Search results

  1. DarknessFalls

    So I decided to make a storage case for my V6

    When I was in Iraq many years ago, we were installing some special equipment onto our MRAP vehicles. Well, this special equipment was shipped in Pelican Storm Cases. After it was installed, the cases were being tossed. I grabbed myself a few of them, slapped a label on them, and SAM mailed...
  2. DarknessFalls

    Question about the V6 controller

    I just got the 11inch iPad Pro 2 last week. I know it won’t fit in the holder for the controller but I was wondering, is there any other mounts on the market that can fit the new iPad and be compatible with the Fifish v6 remote? I know Mavic has several mounts but am unsure if they could be...
  3. DarknessFalls

    Something I came across in the original V6 product video.

    According to the video, the Fifish V6 has an advanced sonar system that can be used for mapping the sea floor. I took a couple of screenshots from the video. Did they jump the gun on this and decided not to include it with the earlier model V6?
  4. DarknessFalls

    R/V Falkor and ROV SuBastian

    Hello all, I thought I would share a little bit about and bring attention to this ship, it’s equipment, and the wonderful people who do incredible research with the latest ROV’s. To learn more about the company, check out their website at To see some of their...
  5. DarknessFalls

    Well, I did it. I bought a V6 today.

    I’ve been researching and contemplating which ROV to buy for a while now. Initially, I was going to get the Gladius Mini. Then when I saw the M2 being offered, I began to look a little deeper into ROV’s. While I like the M2, the price tag ($2,500usd) was more than I could justify for my first...
  6. DarknessFalls

    Adding an Auxiliary Power Port to the V6

    With the V6-S and V6 Plus hitting the market next month with new features and powered attachments, I was curious if anyone has retrofitted the original V6 with an auxiliary power port to support powered attachments? I know it should be possible without compromising the on-board electronics, but...