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  1. H

    Fifish problems

    Thanks Infieldg I will try a 3rd attempt at calibration. I suspect it is a calibration issue as the running thrusters change if i move the drone. I picked it up Friday and had visions of spending the weekend at the lake practicing 😒
  2. H

    New Fifish V6 problem

    Hi I have today unboxed my brand new Fifish V6, updated the firmware, calibrated controller and drone.. When i press unlock once everything is connected the thrusters run non stop. When i put it in water it rolls over continuously. Does anyone have any ideas please.
  3. H

    Fifish problems

    Hi I have today unboxed my brand new V6, updated the firmware, calibrated controller and drone.. When i press unlock once everything is connected the thrusters run non stop. When i put it in water it rolls over continuously. Does anyone have any ideas please.