Chasing M2 Broken Claw - Shorted Circuits from Water?

Eternal Angler

Recently saw this posted on the Official Chasing Facebook Group, a Chasing M2 owner reported that his robotic claw is stuck, doesn't open anymore. Question is what caused this, after he opened up the tubular arm, looks like water exposure, shorted circuits on the circuit board.

Wonder if this is exposure from saltwater out in the ocean? Did he bump into something that caused the claw to leak? Is there some type of way to prevent this in the future? I also would like to know if there's a lubricant or grease for maintenance we should be using on the main shaft that opens and closes the claw?

Not too long ago, I seen a similar report of a broken claw on the Fifish V6s. Really makes me a bit worried on my own claw from the Chasing M2. I also wonder how many dives this Chasing M2 owner had before this happened, this one Fifish V6s owner said this happened after the first two hours of use and the warranty didn't cover it, he had to buy a new claw and pay out of pocket, $600.

Something both Chasing M2 and Fifish V6s owners should take concern about...


Obvious Water Exposure & Oxidization




