Upgrade & New Style

Eternal Angler

So I decided to upgrade to the newest Xenforo forum software, also give the forum a new theme, hopefully looks a little cleaner and instead of having each category based on each specific underwater drone model we're gonna base it on the company instead, especially since some underwater drones have been discontinued like Gladius Advanced Pro or just not used that very much anymore since new models have come out. For instance all the Gladius Mini and Mini S threads are now merged under Chasing Innovation category. Also working on getting a SSL secure certificate for the site as well too.

People seem to come and go, the forum isn't the most active, however there's still a lot of good information and tips on here regardless. I've been working a lot, fishing a lot, filming, and using my underwater drones myself, doesn't give a lot of time to constantly makes posts like previously, but I know many still use the forum for insightful information.

It's great to still see some Underwater Drone companies like Chasing and QYSEA still coming out with new models and growing, however I've seen some companies have gone under like the Navatics Mito... Which has now turned into just a blog https://navatics.com and the drone is basically no longer being sold? At one point some YouTubers were saying the Mito was one of the most stablest drones on the market with barley any shakiness, I remember though the camera had a bit of a blur problem. Gotta be careful which drone and company you invest in... Seen this happen with the Robosea BIKI, Sofar Trident, Fathom etc... https://fb.watch/xqIInvM3ps/

Some of these companies still seem to be lurking around like Sofar Ocean, but not longer sell the Trident, working on other projects like the Spotter Platform... I think it's good to go with a company that has a solid foundation, has made many models over the years, and keeps innovating, it can be a bit risky investing in a new company and model considering what's happened to other companies. The hobby is still fairly new and fresh, so we'll see what the future brings us, I don't want to say to never take a risk some of these companies that started out on fundraising sites like Indiego, good example is Chasing Innovation & Gladius Advanced Pro yet they're still going strong, I'm just saying be careful where you invest... I remember when I couple barley rub two nickels together despite that I decided to buy the Geneinno T1 and give it a try, even though I sold that underwater drone, I learned a lot from using that ROV and had a lot of fun!




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By the way, anyone know what happened to Geneinno, noticed they don't have a site anymore and the only site that seems to pop up is RobotsShop.com, what they partner up or buy them out? Competition is brutal out there, I guess we're gonna see a lot of this as tech progresses and more drone companies fall off...
