Recent content by Zhenya88

  1. Z

    V6 work well 4-5min and then its have to restart

    Can you post this tutorial?
  2. Z

    V6 work well 4-5min and then its have to restart

    Please. Write how you install the old firmware.
  3. Z

    Fifish V6 expert Neutral buoyancy...

    Please foto.
  4. Z

    V6 and 3d printer

    Hello. Good model protection for propeller. Model from Model - 10$ and plastic 5$ Original protector - 50$+shipping
  5. Z

    New V6...won't connect

    I have assembled such a cable. Works!!
  6. Z

    New V6...won't connect

    Cable plug my fifish v6:
  7. Z

    New V6...won't connect

    USB-LAN I identified the contacts for the DIY adapter. Connect to PC or Smartphone/tv-box without WiFi 5G. rtsp:// - video stream witch VLC player or MediaPleerClassic
  8. Z

    Does anyone have an HDMI box for Fifish v6?

    1) Connect any device on WIFI Fifish v6. 2) Use apps VLC (windows/android) and connect to "" I found this in the source code of the application. For low latency use flag UPD and cashe 0ms. HDMI BOX from Qusea (240$) = Raspberry (40$)+ apps (free)
  9. Z

    V6 Plastic disintegration

    Hello. Do you have foto?
  10. Z


    Hello. Has anyone disassembled a claw for an underwater drone? How is the sealing of this node performed?
  11. Z

    Special Setup: FiFish V6 on a big screen

    Hello. Do you have hdmi box?
  12. Z

    Сable HDMI BOX- controller

    Hello. Сan someone check the pinout of the cable HDMI BOX - controller? (Multimeter/ tester)
  13. Z

    Special Setup: FiFish V6 on a big screen

    Hello. Do you have test you cable HDMI - controller? (Multimeter/ tester)
  14. Z

    Fifish V6 ROV not powering on - can anyone help?

    The analogous problem was during the post-dive (4 months ago). A new firmware for the device has been released today, I hope the problem has been fixed.
  15. Z

    Does anyone have an HDMI box for Fifish v6?

    Thank you.