Recent content by NE Explorer

  1. NE Explorer

    Fifish V6 ROV not powering on - can anyone help?

    Hello everyone , new to the forum. Took my new V6 for the first dive and it flooded. waiting for the red tide to go away before testing the replacement. Reading about the Tether problem I would suspect the weak point in the Tether would be the Electrical Slip Ring Collector Ring Has anyone...
  2. NE Explorer

    Fifish V6 ROV not powering on - can anyone help?

    Glad I could help! Do you know where I can get the plug for the V6S? I have the claw, but I would like to be able to use that port for add-ons I build. TO do this I need to by the proper plug for that port.
  3. NE Explorer

    Fifish V6 ROV not powering on - can anyone help?

    Yes, in the end it was the tether. I have gotten a replacement tether and it has worked perfectly since then.
  4. NE Explorer

    Exploring an 1873 Shipwreck

    HI again, The second video of Sandone's did not post correctly due to Media limits, so I will try to post it in this new message.
  5. NE Explorer

    Exploring an 1873 Shipwreck

    Had some issues with the Youtube account. Here it is reposted. Not much in part 1 and still haven't added part 2. Here is a clip of one of the spider crabs I encountered at the wreck. They are decorator crabs that purposefully cover themselves with algae and other sea life to stay hidden...
  6. NE Explorer

    Fifish V6 ROV not powering on - can anyone help?

    Just last Firday my Fifish stopped working. I could get the controller to boot, but not the actual ROV. I put in a ticket with the support since my ROV is not even a year old. They told me to send it to a place in Washington State. I asked to hold off since I had a Fifish V6S on the way, and...
  7. NE Explorer

    Fifish V6 ROV not powering on - can anyone help?

    Just experience the same issue yesterday. I went out for a dive, and it was up and ready to go until it got into the water. Suddenly the screen of the controller froze. I retrieved my ROV checked all connections, rebooted the controller, but the ROV would not power up. Has anyone else had this...
  8. NE Explorer

    Fifish problems

    I live in New England, and explore the bays, flooded mines and flooded caves of the northeast.
  9. NE Explorer

    Exploring an 1873 Shipwreck

    There are many shipwrecks out in Narragansett bay, and late this summer I began to revisit them with the Fifish V6. Here is a video of part 1 of me going out to an 1873 shipwreck the Bessie Rogers.
  10. NE Explorer

    Fifish problems

    Hi, I had the same problem, but it was only after I replaced a propeller(prop). The Fifish orients itself when you first start up the engines. The props are cut differently and spin in opposite directions. If you have an incorrect prop in place, when it tries to orient itself using that prop, it...