Recent content by Eternal Angler

  1. Eternal Angler

    Upgrade & New Style

    By the way, anyone know what happened to Geneinno, noticed they don't have a site anymore and the only site that seems to pop up is, what they partner up or buy them out? Competition is brutal out there, I guess we're gonna see a lot of this as tech progresses and more drone...
  2. Eternal Angler

    Upgrade & New Style

    So I decided to upgrade to the newest Xenforo forum software, also give the forum a new theme, hopefully looks a little cleaner and instead of having each category based on each specific underwater drone model we're gonna base it on the company instead, especially since some underwater drones...
  3. Eternal Angler

    Brighter monitor

    Which sun hood? You have to try the Hoodman Aviator, that's what I use, it wraps around the entire tablet, blocks out all sunlight and it's a two part system, where the top attachment comes up to your forehead and eyes even blocks out sunlight where you're actually looking in. Rather than just...
  4. Eternal Angler

    Underwater Drone for Bone Rush at East River New York

    So after popularity of last video using Fifish V6 Expert at the Bone Rush at the East River of New York, I decided to do a part 2 explaining how using Chasing M2 Pro Max with light arms could be valuable due to the murkiness from the current on the East River, as well as a hook and rope retrieve...
  5. Eternal Angler

    Underwater Drone gets Attacked by Mako Shark

    Soon as I saw the thumbnail, I'm like here we go, not another clickbait video... Come to find out, nope, this was a worthy video of where a Mako Shark actually attacked the Chasing M2 underwater drone amd the M2 held up just fine, it's one of the most scary and adrenaline rushed filled...
  6. Eternal Angler

    Woolly Mammoth Tusk Found? Bone Rush at New York East River

    Soon as I saw this news headline, I'm thinking man, this has got to be the perfect opportunity for an underwater drone, not only to locate the whereabouts of the Tusks, but also maybe grab one with the claw and bring it up to the surface... And remember, even if the claw can't grab it and the...
  7. Eternal Angler

    Fifish V6 Expert on Sale - 17% Off Early Black Friday Deals

    Well it looks like Black Friday is hitting early in the underwater drone world, ebay store owner by the name of yh-smart-tech is selling a Fifish V6 Expert M100 for a really great price, basically 17% off of retail. Also take another $10 with code YHSMARTTECH1118
  8. Eternal Angler

    New Underwater Drone for 2022 - Chasing M2 Pro Max

    Wow, totally unexpected, I posted this up on our Facebook page, but never got around to making a sub-category for the actual drone on the forum. So here we go, the all new underwater drone Chasing M2 Pro Max for 2022. Pretty damn wicked, is this an underwater drone comparable to QYSEA's...
  9. Eternal Angler

    Be Careful of Underwater Drone Scams on Internet

    So I was looking for deals on the Fifish V6 Expert and V6s, I saw a this incredible deal going on at a store I never heard of called Simono.Shop They have the Fifish V6s listed for $2,079.35 Where I actually saw this underwater drone listed is on my Android mobile phone under Google...
  10. Eternal Angler

    FIFISH PRO V6 Plus on Sale

    Looks like there may be a possible sale going on at Maverick Drone Systems for the Fifish Pro V6 Plus, usually retails for $10 possibly even $11,000 on places like eBay. Looks like Google has it listed for $8,500, I bet many of these underwater drone stores are having a tough time selling the...
  11. Eternal Angler

    Fifish W6 ROV in 385 Feet of Water

    Finally some underwater footage of the W6 ROV, Austin Vibert from Ghost Gear Disappear Inc posted this cool video from two weeks ago up on YouTube, showing how far deep the W6 drone can go. Reaches a depth of 385 feet in Davy Jones's locker, pretty incredible!
  12. Eternal Angler

    Qysea Fifish V6 Expert and Chasing M2 Video

    I really enjoyed this video where the Fifish V6 Expert is working together with the Chasing M2, pretty neat. Why does there always have to be competition, when the technology can just work together and compliment each other?
  13. Eternal Angler

    Fifish V6 Expert Metal Detector

    Whatsup, been a little inactive lately on the forum, but I plan on purchasing a Fifish V6 Expert this upcoming Black Friday. Been working a lot, lots of overtime this year. Lately I've been amazed with all sorts of add-ons that QYSEA has been introducing for the V6s and Expert, such as the...
  14. Eternal Angler

    Brightest Tablet for Sunny Days using Fifish V6 Underwater Drone?

    I can't say anything about the Fifish app because I never used it, but I'm thinking of purchasing an Expert soon, so I could let ya know in the future. I wouldn't bother with Goggles, just buy the Hoodman Aviator, it actually feels like you're wearing VR goggles anyways. A sun hood like this...
  15. Eternal Angler

    Michael Oliver Treasure Hunting with Fifish V6 Expert

    I'm quite surprised that QYSEA didn't give Michael Oliver the metal detector add-on for the Fifish V6 to see if he could treasure hunt for some coins and what not... Maybe that will be saved for a future episode, maybe this was just the beginning. Anyways, my Dad and I been a big fan of his...