Recent content by Bluesky Lee

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    Camera not detected

    카메라 모듈에 문제가 발생하면 저런 현상이 생깁니다. 저도 몇개월전에 V6 e를 구입하고 배송받자마자 개봉했는데 v6 e에 저런 현상이 발생했습니다. 그래서 저러한 문제가 무엇 때문인지 발생원인을 찾고 문제해결을 위해서 여러차례이 걸쳐 Qysea 담당자와 이메일을 주고 받았습니다. *****결국, Qysea에서 저에게 새제품으로 교환해주기로 약속했으며, 한국에 위치한 판매점을 통해 교횐받았습니다. *******
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    Fifish V6 expert Neutral buoyancy...

    As shown in the video below, after using the drone in the sea with the added buoyancy material installed, the drone is immersed in a freshwater tank to remove salt. < > *As you can see, the underwater drone is not sinking and is maintaining some positive buoyancy.
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    Fifish V6 expert Neutral buoyancy...

    Yes. With the addition of buoyancy to the ROV, we have, of course, conducted actual tests at sea several times. (Because we own a relatively large fishing boat) < > 1. ROV is also positioned like a submarine. In order to float in the water, you need to adjust your neutral buoyancy accordingly...
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    Fifish V6 expert Neutral buoyancy...

    Fifish V6 expert Neutral buoyancy problem. 1. It cannot maintain neutral buoyancy and sinks. ==> If you press the lock button (key shape) on the remote control, the drone stops working and sinks. After using the drone, it is difficult to retrieve it out of the water. 2. As a temporary...
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    Drone Show Korea 2022...

    <Drone Show Korea 2022> Exhibition Korean Industrial Underwater Drone (ROV) Robostech's product. ~~As a bonus... The KFX development program is finally starting to see the light. The first test flight was successful yesterday. Because we left enough space for the internal armament window...
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    Fifish V6 Metal Detector..

    Fifish V6 Metal detector... The price on eBay is $560. The price posted on a regular shopping mall is about $300. But, I don't think I'll buy it. Because it's a simple LED dot-by-point signal to tell you whether metal is detected... In other words, it's because the metal detector is functionally...
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    수중 톱(원형 회전톱 or 그라인더)이 있었다면???

    Ummm... I can't even cut 22mm~70mm pp rope with scissors like that. The above vessels are not recreational boats or yachts. hull length FRP fishing boats over 96 feet and with a full displacement of over 50 tons. The thickness of the propeller shaft is also that thick. If the 1800rpm low-rpm...
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    수중 톱(원형 회전톱 or 그라인더)이 있었다면???

    If.. if there was a waterproof circular saw (grinder)???????? The rope could have been easily removed... Buy V6 expert and dive for the first time!! I looked at the propeller of a fishing boat. After a heavy rain, visibility under the water was not even 1 meter. didn't * It is a vga file by...
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    수중 톱(원형 회전톱 or 그라인더)이 있었다면???

    로프를 쉽게 제거할 수 있었을 것입니다. V6 expert 구매하고 첫 다이빙!! 어선의 프로펠러를 살펴봤습니다. 폭우가 지나간 후라서 물속 시야가 1미터도 확보되지 않았습니다. * 영상 파일을 압축해서 vga 파일입니다 (화질이 낮음) ~~이곳은 SOUTH KOREA의 중부해안도시 서해안(WEST SEA)입니다.
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    V6 Plastic disintegration

    The propeller is made of nylon material. In other words, propeller means 'consumables'. * Use a 3D printer to make the propeller out of metal. (There is also a way to request production from an external company.)
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    New V6...won't connect

    다음과 같이 시스템을 점검해보세요.. (저의 답글은 구글번역기로 번역하세요!) 1. App을 실행시키면 첫 화면에 '도움' 항목을 누르고, 하위 항목의 ' 기기점검"을 눌러서(클릭해서) 6가지의 점검을 실행하세요!! ( 6축,3축, LED, 카메라, etc ....~~~) => ok...or fail 결과를 살펴보세요... 만약에 카메라 점검이 실패했을때... , App(어플리케이션)가 제대로 실행되지 않는 현상이 나타나게 됩니다. ( 펌웨어 업게이트가 안되는 문제, app 화면이 조정자(카메라 화면) 모드로...
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    New V6...won't connect

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    Fire on board!

    추진 전기모터에 매우 큰 과부하가 작용했습니다. 그로인해서 전기모터가 과열되었고, 과열이 발생하면 전기적인 저항이 커져서 전기배선에도 매우 큰 전류가 흐르게 됩니다. 이러한 일련의 결과들은 배선과 전체 회로에 화재를 발생시킬 수 있습니다. (저의 개인적 판단!) A very large overload was applied to the propulsion electric motor. because of that The electric motor overheats, and when overheating occurs, the...
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    Propeller change

    위 이미지에서 그대로!!!! 프로펠러 블레이드를 잡아당겨... 쉽게 분리됩니다.
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    문제를 해결해서 본문 글 삭제함..
