Geneinno T1 Underwater Drone at Lake St. Clair

Eternal Angler


So this is the very first time I've tested the Geneinno T1 out on the water, what better place to take the underwater drone but Lake St. Clair. The water was very murky so I didn't get to see much other than a few weeds at the bottom. But I definitely was able to show off the maneuverability of the drone and I'm pleased to say the controls were very inuitive for me. I love the controller, exactly reminds me of the Xbox 360 controller, which I have thousands of hours on that console so I had no hard time picking this up.

While Geneinno plans to add-on a 7th thruster for a 90 degree angle, I was pleased to see the T1 is almost there with the 60 degrees, I honestly think the angle is more like 70 or almost 80 degrees.

While I think the Gladius Mini is probably the stablest drone on the market, I give off numerous reasons why I still picked the Geneinno T1 over the Mini. And one of the main reasons is the robotic claw, while I'm sure it's going to be a lot more challenging than I think picking stuff off the bottom of the lake and bringing it to the surface, I still look forward to having a lot of fun with this feature that a lot of the underwater drones on the market don't have.

Remind you this wasn't a review, I didn't get into all the technical specs, but more or less gave people a fresh course on what these underwater drone can do. I still think a huge percentage of the public isn't even aware this technology has hit the consumer sector at an affordable price. And the one's that are aware, still are waiting for features such as repleacable batteries.

For me, I couldn't wait. I had a blast dropping my GoPro 5 Black down in the water last year, I saw all the different species I could pick up filming with just that action camera in a stationary spot. I always wondered what I could pick up if I would be able to maneuver around underwater rather than just putting my GoPro on a mushroom anchor. Anyways, time will tell, I've even thought about attaching a GoPro Black 8 with that new Hypersmooth 2.0 for more filming stability. But I'm not sure if that will mess with the hydrodynamics of the T1.