Fifish V6 Expert is Pretty Impressive!

Eternal Angler


I have to say, with the amount of accessories you can add-on the Fifish V6 Expert, for the price you pay which is around $3,000, this is one amazing underwater drone just for that reason. It's about 2 grand less than the Chasing M2 Pro yet the add-ons you get are like 4x as many as the M2 Pro. And it pretty much has all the accessories of the Fifish Pro V6 Plus minus the hefty price tag...

I still don't like that fact there isn't an interchangeable battery, but if you got the money, you could still go for the onshore power supply system that could keep your V6 Expert charged at all times, last time time I heard it runs around $3599, not cheap!

Here's a breakdown comparison of the Expert versus the Fifish V6, Fifish V6s, and Fifish V6 Plus. I mean am I missing something here, the Expert has just about everything the Plus has, minus the depth and metal propellers... And it makes me wonder if you could add-in the metal propellers to the V6 Expert to make it even more resilient?


What really has me intrigued is this Q-steady 2.0, I'm not sure if this is some type of EIS stabilization like Chasing Innovation has on the M2 or it's just talking about the simple stabilization of the motors? All I know is the electronic stabilization on the M2 sucks, it makes warpy and wavy motions of the video, looks horrible. Hopefully with time Chasing Innovation can improve the software, but so far I don't even bother using it. I think for the most part, the Fifish v6 platform is a lot smoother running underwater drone, but QYSEA did get a few years ahead with this platform, the M2 is still a pretty new platform.

I have to say, I'm still pretty tempted to maybe purchasing the Fifish V6 Expert and give it a try. I wonder though, if it's worth it, since I already have the Chasing M2.

I'm also tempted after seeing the 2D image sonar, but look at the price... Wowsers! Hopefully with time the sonar can come down in price on these underwater drones, lol, it's actually like 20x the price of the actual underwater drone! Coming in at $59,999!


And the one thing I'll always say that the Fifish V6s and Fifish V6 Expert has over the Chasing M2, is the giant thick handle in back which allows you to lift heavy things out of oceans, lakes, rivers and ponds. Again, the photo of the Fifish V6s lifting a 10kg kettlebell from the bottom of a pool. I'm not sure what Chasing Innovation was thinking with the tiny plastic tab... Pretty stupid move!
