FIFISH V6 Control modes


New member
The V6 controller has 3 modes, "A" designed for beginners , "S" Sport mode, "C" Combination mode.
Does anyone use any other then the "A" mode ?
The red tide is starting to go away in my area the Pacific Coast Santa Monica Bay . So I took my V6 out in the open waters and made a dive in 75 feet. I started out just drifting my boat and taking the V6 to the bottom. I had a impossible time controlling it. It kept turning over and just wouldn't follow my command so I anchored the boat to concentrate on running my ROV with no better results. Disappointed pulled anchor and went back in the harbor just to discover the little switch that controls "A"; "S"; and "C" had inadvertently slipped in the Sport mode. My bad, next time I will know better.
Ps. Why anyone would find the "S" mode useful is beyond me. Would like to hear some comments.