Search results

  1. T

    FiFish V6 software "connected without internet"

    First, do not connect to the V6. Then go to the app > help > firmware update - do what the app tells you. (The app downloads the new firmware, then you can connect to the device and load it up. very easy. you cannot download it as long you are connected to the V6 and not to the internet.)
  2. T

    Underwater Drone Catalog of Fifish V6 Plus & Fifish W6

    Ok, 3 to 5 times more expensive then the V6. I mean that will be the price for market entry. Maybe will be cheaper after a while. And keep in mind, they include a couple of new exiting things more then just 8h of potentially battery run time. Automatically avoiding obstacles, sonar distance...
  3. T

    Underwater Drone Catalog of Fifish V6 Plus & Fifish W6

    well, the new W6 will be price $20k plus - as far as my informations are correct.. and the V6 plus must be over $7k.